Keeping Dogs Out of the Cat Litter Box
Simple cardboard with opening allows cat to get into bathroom (where litter box is located), while opening is too small...
Simple cardboard with opening allows cat to get into bathroom (where litter box is located), while opening is too small...
Karyn Ross and Leslie Henckler share how they worked together to teach and learn lean while improving Karen's laundry process....
Nothing can really prepare you for parenthood, but you try your best to get ready for the arrival of a...
Read a project example from a student that applied DMAIC to their weight loss problem. They showed an increase in...
With new morning time constraints to consider, Deborah shares that the time was right to transfer lunch-making responsibility directly to...
For a long time, Tracy reveled in the joy of buying snazzy shoes and spent plenty of time admiring her...
Several years back, Ben Hartman and his wife were getting by on their small vegetable farm, but just barely. They...
Joel tells a typical story about getting ready in the morning with kids, and how he thinks about Lean methods....
Kevin shares his ideal home, and how it connects back to lean principles in the following areas: FloorspaceStorage SpaceBarriers to...
Brion Hurley bought a Fitbit to measure his sleep, and ran Six Sigma analysis to see how his sleep varied...