Lean Process Saves Money and Time at a Grocery Store


Brooke Holmes has worked in continuous improvement for many years, and decided to apply Lean to help with their monthly budgeting related to groceries.

She created a current state high level map of the process and reviewed the value of each process. She identified 6 hours of planning time per week that could be reduced, and she found that she traveled to multiple stores, which increased time and spending.

She developed grocery lists of perishable and non-perishable items, and was able to cut down the number of stores to visit. This resulted in 90 minutes or less to shop each week, and she saved about $400 per month on groceries.

Read her entire article on the ASQ Lean e-zine: http://www.leansixsigmahomes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Grocery_Shopping_Brooke_Holmes.pdf